
Cake | A Review of Showroom of Compassion

The band that brought us one of the most over played songs on the radio, Short Skirt/Long Jacket, have released their sixth studio album entitled Showroom of Compassion.  In this latest offering Cake, front man John McCrea delivers both on vocals and lyrics. The first song off of the record called Federal Funding boasts a classic rock vibe while still maintaining a modern edge. The lyrics of this track are rather entertaining in that they paint a distinctly unflattering portrait of those who don a suite and get their rocks off by attaining a certain business status which can be held over others.  Another track on the new album just has that instant classic personality to it; we are talking Mustache Man (Wasted). Mustache Man (Wasted) with its funk beat and generous helping of horn (let’s not forget the healthy dose of cow bell) is truly made great by the lyrics which create a vivid and eccentric of a mustache sporting dude. Most people are under the correct impression that anyone who only grows facial hair above their lip should be avoided at all cost and this Cake track lends weight to that belief. You see, “With the mustache man and carpet of his van, you can feel you fatty tissues giving way to sweaty hands.”  If that’s not an indictment of mustached men, what is?   
There are some lesser cuts off of Showroom of Compassion but as a whole this album is sure to have a long and happy life in the music library of those who buy it.     

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