Everything is made in China, otherwise known as Eimic, is a band that formed in Moscow Russia in 05’. Even with their first album receiving high praise by critics, Everything is Made in China remained for the most part a little Russian secret. Hopefully that has changed with Automatic Movements, the band’s newest album. It will open a new chapter in its existence and more importantly its visibility. In style this album seems to take its inspiration from band’s such as Radiohead, in fact, lead singer Maksim Fedorov’s voice is strikingly similar to that of Thom Yorke. Where you can say with total confidence that Everything is Made In China is just a Radiohead clone would be off base and a step to far. Mainly because they are not nearly as good as Radiohead, but that is a high standard to measure another band against. As well, this band has a kind of art nouveau feel to it, if you venture a visit to their website you are inundated with the overall concept of the their newest project, and the expression and examples of automatic movements. The band goes as far as to define the phenomenon as;
“Automatic movements are movements people often make without conscious thought.”- automovements.com
The meaning of the albums title and the subsequent songs can be taken as a direct attack of the social system that all of us live in and its obligatory responses, the ones that have been programmed into all of us since we learned to cover our mouths when we cough. The album itself takes the listener of a dark journey filled with experimental sounds and barely audible lyrics. Though what you do hear clearly on the album makes you want more. If you never thought you would have a Russian artist in your music library other than Rachmaninoff, then Everything Is Made In China just might be the right band to change your mind.
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