Nearly nostalgic would be the best way to put our feeling about the new album from the heavily played pop band of the late 90’s and early 00’s. Third Eye Blind’s songs were peppered all over the radio back then, from How’s it Gonna To Be to Semi Charmed Life. Everyone of a certain generation (you know who you are) has put the moves on or has had the moves put on them while How’s It Gonna To Be played in the background. But that is the type of band “3eb” is, the most popular songs from their catalogue are sappy love ballads or incredibly happy pop songs. It’s been over 10 years since Blue the band’s last relatively successful album and their last studio album was in 03’. That being said, if the new album Ursa Major is of the same character as their music from 10 years ago, you need to ask yourself a question, “Can I still relate to the music I listened to 10 years ago, the same way I did back then?”. Well, the answer is no.
What of the nostalgia factor, that can’t be overlooked when reviewing their newest album. It’s difficult to place Third Eye Blind among other current bands. Lead singer Stephan Jenkins has such a distinct voice it’s hard to put the band in a category because of it. They still have catchy melodies, but what makes this album disappointing is the lack of innovation when it comes to what they have produced. They had all of those years to make something possibly better out of the rock/pop musical style they so forcefully touted many years ago, but they didn’t. Their new album has 12 tracks, some of which are very reminiscent of the good old days following the mood of some of their songs like, Deep Inside of You. For fans of the band this album will be a welcome addition to their 3eb collection, if not because it is good then because it will bring back memories of the birth of EMO rock. Key tracks of the album, Can You Take Me, Bonfire and Water Landing.
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