Utterly endearing from start to finish the first full length album from Let's Wrestle, In The Court of Wrestling Let's is a winner. A post-punk group with bits of the 80's lining the vocals, Let's Wrestle has an energy that propels its deceivingly simple style to incredible heights. This London based band revels in its own raw nature executing songs with a kind of unself-conscious ease that says to the listener, we know what we are. The vocals in this band are shared well between Wes Patrick and Mike Lightning placing them in the ever popular sing sing, clap clap, we all sing together sub-genre of music which seems to be making its way into every crevasse of the alt rock scene. Nonetheless, it works well, In the Court of Wrestling Let's is filled with tracks that in not being too serious, will bring out the serious music lover in anyone. Though, that is exactly what is intended by the band members, having made it a point to create this album for you and your mates to enjoy together as loud as you want. And with as many tracks as there are on the album there is a lot to explore. Tracks to that will get the most plays on your iPod off of the album, My Arms Don't Bend That Way, Damn it!, I'm In Love With Destruction, Diana's Hair, My Schedule.
Just a note, for this album louder is better.
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